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Upcoming Events

Relief Effort for California Fires: In response to the recent fires in LA, our congregation will host a Bring-Your-Own-Bowl Soup Supper on UMCOR (United Committee On Relief) Sunday, March 30th right after the 10am service. Our donations will go to relief efforts for the California-Pacific Conference, especially Altadena and Pacific Palisades UMC's that were destroyed and to their members who need assistance. We hope you will come on the 30th (donations can be made at any time before and after that date as well). The Facebook post below says it all!

Thank you in advance for what you can give along with your prayers and compassion as we also live in an area well aware of what fires can do to destroy as well as bring people together.


Sunday Music Team - Warmup Sunday 9:40am Fellowship Hall

 Sunday Music Team - Practice Saturday 2 pm Sanctuary

 Hot Dog Friday - Friday 12:00pm-1:00pm Kitchen

Bible Study Wednesday 10:00 am Adult Classroom

Adult Sunday School 8:45 to 9:30 am in Adult Classroom 

Children's Sunday School 10:00 to 11:00am

Bible Study Thursday 1:00pm-2:00pm Solterra* 2nd floor Loft 5408 White Mountain Blvd

Bible Study Thursday  6:30pm - 8:00pm Zoom

Çhoir Practice Saturday 2:00 pm Sanctuary

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