Dear Church,
Your Missions Team works behind the scenes to be a glimmer of hope to our community. With new opportunities to highlight and involve participation through our website and other media, we have been asked to have a regular presence here each month.
INTER COAT DRIVE: (September-October 27 this year) Lots of warm clothing is being received and will be given as needed to anyone needing it. Sprouts pre-school director, Heather, was asked if children and/or their siblings will need winter coats/sweater jackets this year. A list of 21 children was presented and is attached. We will appeal to the congregation to shop or donate funds to cover this need.
THANKSGIVING DINNER DRIVE: (October 6-November 22)Food lists will be distributed on October 6-the cut-off for donations is November 17.Additional shopping lists will be available in the church lobby, on the Missions Board, and on the church website.
1st Annual Bazaar November 2nd from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. More information to come later.
ANGEL TREE: (November 10-December 21)A Christmas Tree with Angel tags will be in the church lobby on November 10. Gifts must be returned in a gift bag with it’s Angel tag by Sunday, December 15.
With love and gratitude,
Diana Lowell and the Missions Team (helpers are always welcome!)