Dear Church,
We look forward to yet another whopper of a year for our White Mountain UMC congregation--the love and generosity expressed in so many ways is nothing short of a miracle. The number of families, children, and individuals touched by our efforts is truly [amazing]--no, monumental!
The following 2025 Missions Outreach activities were discussed and are listed below:
Hot Dog Friday (HDF), noon-1pm, ongoing
Donations and volunteers are always needed. Homemade cookies are appreciated (pre-bagging 3 cookies per sandwich bag really helps!)
Back-to-School Supply Drive, month of July before school starts
Winter Coat Drive will be held September-October so warm clothing can go to those in need prior to winter’s chill.
Food and prep items will be requested on Sunday, October 19, to be returned on Sunday, November 9 (earlier this year). Inventory will be on Monday, November 17, and packing of bags on Wednesday, November 19, the week before Thanksgiving. These two days are in lieu of our regular Missions Team meeting. Turkey Dinner Distribution Day will be held on “Hot Dog Friday”, November 21 at noon, the week before Thanksgiving.
ANGEL TREE (November through mid-December) Our church will provide gifts again this year for children in need. The Angel Tree will go up in the church lobby on Sunday, November 9 to give 5-weeks for gifts to be purchased, to be returned on Sundays, December 7 and 14th.
This is already open for review and possible changes to the number of recipients, who they are, and the nature of their requests. Please pray and share your ideas with the Missions Team.
Additional items considered, discussed, and/or decided:
A Soup Supper will be held on UMCOR Sunday, March 30 (bring your own bowl. Our donations will go to relief efforts for the California-Pacific Conference, especially Altadena and Pacific Palisades UMC's that were destroyed and to their members who need assistance. We hope you will come on the 30th (donations can be made at any time before and after that date as well).
Ongoing food pantry, shared shelf space with HDF
“Missions” Books were donated to Navajo Correctional
Baby Bottle Drive—we may not have this in 2025 (May 11-June 15)
With love and gratitude,
Diana Lowell and the Missions Team (helpers are always welcome!)